
Last Updated: 15 January, 2020


Use of any of information provided by W3 Snoop is at your own risk. The information provided by W3 Snoop is not guaranteed to be accurate and/or correct and is intended for entertainment purposes only. We advise you to not make any financial decisions based solely on the information provided by W3 Snoop.

W3 Snoop and its owners/operators do not accept any responsibility for what you may do with, the results of, damages from or otherwise problems occurring from any estimations, suggestions or recommendations provided by this website. You are solely responsible for all actions taken on your behalf in regards to the use(s) of this website. Please refer to our terms & conditions for full details.

Questions, Complaints and Further Information

If you have any questions, complaints or require further information, please contact us through our contact e-mail address specified at https://w3snoop.com/contact